Threshing Floor (For Frannny Glass)
Threshing Floor (For Franny Glass) was an immersive video art installation inside of an inflatable plastic environment with a sound-embedded coal platform and an activated candle sculpture. Franny seeks to explore the despondent and despairing moments of religious belief. Through the rhythms of “The Jesus Prayer” tradition evoked by Franny in J.D.Salinger’s book Franny and Zooey, and merging that with contemplative prayer and breathwork, the installation oscillates between monastic chanting and irritating dial tones as an exploration of the immanence/distance of God.
For this project, I created a Zine from Salinger’s text, my sketchbook, and documentation of the work. Download it here.

As this video is meant for 360/VR, please utilize zoom and pan controls to normalize the perspective and to fully view the work
Utilize this video for a standard (non-360) video experience.