Zion’s Window
Zion’s Window was an immersive video art installation that hinged on the question, “Can we experience heaven here and now? Through exploring the ideas presented in inaugurated eschatology, Zion’s window served as a catalyst for hope, joy, and peace in a social climate that seems devoid of anything that feels like perfection.

Constructed out of common construction materials, and left exposed to allude to heaven being “now and not yet”, the gothic arch shape was used as an illusion to the stained glass window, a medium whose original purpose is to illuminate bible stories visually for congregants who couldn’t read in the medieval times. Instead of being a narrative visual for the stories in the bible, Zion’s Window became an abstracted visual of heaven coming close, and how your life is intertwined in that story..

Part 1: #000000
The first part of the show is an illusion to creation, with strobe and pixel elements that act as an illusion to the Big Bang.
Part 2: Violet Crown
Film frames and textures creates a tone of nostalgic longing, while film burns create color fields for emotions to be felt through. The entire composition isn’t utilized, furthing the feeling of incompleteness. This scene represents the fall, the part of the biblical narrative where man is separated from God. Longing and pining are the emotions meant to be conjured up.
Part 4: Digital Confetti
Loud, bright, exciting. When I think of heaven, I think of confetti cannons at a wedding, and these pixels creating joy-saturated environments are the symbol for the restoration of all things.
Part 3: You & It All
Redemption is enacted on the repetition of this rotating hand, affected by an reacting to the elements happening around it.